YouTube is a worldwide known online platform for music. It’s where music is shared; by online users and even music companies, artists and producers alike. Google has already bought YouTube for $1.6 billion and now, YT acts as Google’s subsidiary.

Anyone can upload on YouTube as long as the video content adheres to the terms and policies of the company. There are so many videos today that are being played per minute; which is why this is becoming the biggest channel for businesses for their marketing. Here some things you need to know about YouTube marketing.


  • What is Youtube Marketing?
  • Four corners of Youtube marketing:
    • Plan
    • Content
    • Consistent
    • Target audience
  • Benefits of Youtube Marketing
  • Why do you need YouTube Marketing?

What is Youtube marketing?

YouTube marketing is more like video marketing. But it’s better since you’ll be using YouTube as your publishing tool since it is already one of the largest search engine to ever exist. With millions of followers and viewers; not to mention their ad package, any market that will go live in here can absolutely garner the right audience they need.

The four key in making it big:


Just like all other campaigns, it’s better to have a blueprint. A plan is the most essential part when it comes to Youtube marketing; there must always be a good story. You have to put all the cards on the table, from thinking of your goals down towards planning the story of your campaign. Setting out a plan is best if you want to see the end of your campaign.

Not only will you have to plan out your story, but you need to think about your project and the process of making one. There’s story, the trend, and how to keep it in the interest of everyone and still make big hits. But once you have a plan, you’ll have a blueprint that you can follow.

Create good content

89% of online users can be spotted using Youtube on a daily basis. The other percent is found moving along social media Creating good content means making an awesome story for your video marketing. By making a good kind of a content, there’s a good percentage that you can gather an audience for your piece. If your content is as good as it gets, Youtube users will share the video on their social channels – and then you get the whole 100% percentage of the online audience.

Plus, everybody loves an awesome and uniquely created content.

Be consistent with the story

Once a campaign hits a market, their story stays especially ones that go viral for a period of time. Being consistent with a piece you established on the first try means that people will still love your idea if you keep it that way. Once you start on something, you need to finish it just the way it is. If it’s a romantic-comedy kind of campaign, then begin and end it that way. In this way, you’re able to maintain the attention and the curiosity you’re bringing to your audience. Even for your future marketing campaigns, you have to be very strict with the way it flows.

Remember, it’s a video marketing; you need a story that must be consistent until it finishes.

Target the right audience

Youtube has the right audience for your marketing since it’s already a video content. Online users are fond of watching videos all day long and there are tons of it for them to watch. Whether you use Youtube’s advertisement feature or you upload your own video in there, it’s still going to be seen by millions of its viewers. And with a number like that, it’s possible that a view can convert into a sale.


Benefits of Youtube Marketing


There are plenty of good things why you might want to use YouTube for your marketing. The things below will show you:

  • No need to be a legend story teller. All you need to have is a good content for your video – and the rest of the users will come to you. Just make sure that you have set out the right context so that everyone can see your video.
  • Reach an international audience. Since YouTube can be used by everyone and of legal age, you already have a global reach to people.
  • It’s a good way to use to increase traffic. Google loves good content, a good video, and a YouTube link. If you have all of these, then Google will index you. This search engine basically put everything that YouTube uploads, so rest assured that you can increase your traffic through it.
  • It’s free. You don’t have to pay for anything if you want to. YouTube is free for everyone to use. Whether you’re a company, a startup business or a beginner blogger, it is free for you to use.

Why do you need to market on YouTube?

According to AdEspresso, 76% of the online population is using YouTube every day. Whether it’s part of their entertainment or their work, you can’t deny the fact that the percentage is high. With lots of audiences that use YouTube on a daily basis, your marketing campaign can get the traffic it needs.

Everyone loves to watch videos; may it be weird or something so awesome like Cake Wars and what not. People enjoy the feel of just watching especially videos that have a story to tell that’s the same as their own. And as a part of marketing, it’s duty is to invite people by telling and engage them in a conversation that interests them.

That’s why you need to market on YouTube. No one can see your products or services better than those people who are in this platform.