In the continuously changing technological world, chatbots are going to have a significant impact on different search engines. Natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) growth can lead a search engine chatbot to have a more persuasive effect than real people, as the domain becomes more interactive, conducive, and personalized. The emergence of conversational...Read More
Google opens the doors for hotels to offer their services through free listings of hotels, which is separate from the paid results. The same as what Google did with Google Flights and Google Shopping, it opens up free listings in Google Hotel search. In Search Engine Land, Google Hotel search, you will see a new...Read More
According to Google, Google Question Hub is not affected and remains active. Google confirmed with Search Engine Land that it works with Q&A on the Google search feature. It launched primarily in India for the searchers in 2019 and Google recently told people who submitted questions or answers that it went away. Google spokesperson said...Read More