Things You Ought to Know About LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is an employee-employer oriented company that operates online both on mobile and desktops. As long as there’s an internet, anyone can connect to LinkedIn. It’s a promising site for professionals and business takers because it’s one place that anyone can connect with experts from around the globe.

On this platform, everyone is either looking for a job (most of the time posting their cvs) or companies looking for people to hire. Oftentimes, recruiters will swing by and send out multiple messages to potential employees. And there are also others that posts articles promoting their companies or their expertise.

A good number of individuals are using their LinkedIn accounts for a number one reason – to get an audience. May it be to finally land a good job or to hire a worthy applicant; LinkedIn is a good place to start it with.


History of LinkedIn


Around the year 2002, a group of old colleagues works together to form a new idea – a newer campaign that can send the internet in full bloom. It was slow at first and it’s not that surprising. Startups rarely explode in the first few months but then LinkedIn started to go full blow and it attracted the right audience that garnered the perfect investment, Seqouia Capital.

As time progresses as well as the internet-touch, so did LinkedIn. The company began creating and introducing new features to comfortably serve their subscribers. In 2005, they partnered with American Express and got promoted to small businesses in some areas.

LinkedIn gradually progresses due to their knack for online activities and gaining more visitors around the world. They opened their first international office in London and adapted other languages to accommodate non-English speaking countries, such as Spain and France.

The company started out as a small employer-employee platform and grown to become a publicly traded company in Stock Exchange. This signifies their increasing growth while improving their online presence and service almost every day.

Today, LinkedIn holds their bar with unprecedented offers for everyone in their media; offering a channel between hiring companies and business deals.


LinkedIn Marketing


Don’t get your head on a twist. Marketing in LinkedIn; harshly promoting products and services and spam aren’t really welcome in their feed. This site has a very big different audience compared to the online industry. It is hard to actually go all out in LinkedIn since they are very specific with how people work around their platform. However, the main takeaway when it comes to “marketing” or advertising is to make sure that everything does look good and that you’re not obviously promoting your products or services right away; this one really annoys your audience. Here are some quick steps to get that marketing working with a stride.


Writing and updating informative posts.


Just like what you do on social media sites; you should always make sure that you can and must update your posts or statuses. But this has to be done in a much business-like manner since your daily audience is more on the business side of the world, not ordinary followers.

Writing your own posts that would actually teach your connections can give you the virtual presence that you want for your company. There are a lot of people in there that engage people by actually updating statuses. Oftentimes, there are those that write their own articles and published it in LinkedIn and the wiser ones link their blog posts and put it as “one of the goodreads”. If you do this every day, there’s a higher chance that you can reach about the total of your connections. There’s also the possibility that your posts will be shared all throughout LinkedIn and if this happens, then you can get more and more audience.


Let employees link to your company or website.


Given that you already have a good number of employees, then it’s a good way to have them aboard LinkedIn. Get them to create accounts, update post, and make sure that they mention your company name or even link your company website to their page.

Why do you have to do this?

You need to establish your brand and you need to tell people that you exist even if you don’t have to forcefully let everyone knows. A lot of marketers do this throughout the online platforms but not on LinkedIn. You have to be very careful about how to tell your audience who you are without socially promoting your company. And having your employees mention your company name or website will do the trick. Plus, you can get backlinks from this as well. Isn’t this a neat trick to start with?


Profile information must be sharp and complete.


It’s one thing to have your employees mention your company name and it’s another to provide the right information on your own LinkedIn profile. It is a must that you put on the right details on your profile since your audience still needs to see you and your business. If you do your marketing correctly, other people will be looking at your about me. They will need to read something to get to know you more. And what better way to inform your audience? Do it through a very complete, neatly written and authentically entertaining LinkedIn profile. This section must show your side, not only your business. Upload a good headshot; something that reflects your professionalism and


Connect with the right people.


Marketing with the right people is essential. But when you’re doing it in LinkedIn, the one thing that you should be doing instead is to connect with the right people. And who will they be? It’s the audience that you wanted to know about your business; businessmen and future employees! You can even connect with anyone who you think is relevant in your niche.

Through this, you have people who would really read your posts and whatever you establish on LinkedIn. You have an audience that can share your information. You have a good amount of individuals who will support you since they understand what you’re trying to do.


Don’t be a robot! Make sure to engage.


The most important thing in marketing is making sure that you’re able to “engage” with your audience. As a marketer, engagement is the top main priority since it can “create” noise when trying to promote products and services. The more you communicate with the people in your list, the more you have the chance to be indexed in LinkedIn and become known in Google. Chances will be huge for you!