Get to know more about why some people connect the Florida 2 to the original Florida update

florida 2.0 Google Update

Some people started calling it the Florida 2 update, but you can be clear with the name. Not so long ago, Google released a core algorithm update on March 12, which some industries started calling the Florida 2 update. They think it is connected to the previous update but different. However, the moniker has caused some confusion to the SEOs about whether it is the week’s release is connected to the Florida update in November 2003, but it is not.

You have to know many things about the update, not only that they are unrelated but also different. There is a big question about who named it Florida 2, but it came from Brett Tabke, the owner of the WebmasterWorld forum and the PubCon conference. He updated the WebmasterWorld discussion thread, which made the name Florida 2 famous.

In the earlier days of SEO, Table and WebmasterWorld named another Google update, which is good because they named it after the previous update. You may question why they named it Florida 2, but there are some preferences as to why they called it like that. There is an original Florida update that happened in November 2003. It was named the Florida Update because Brett ran a PubCon conference in Florida. It is the reason why they named the update the Florida update. However, the March 12 update happened a week after a PubCon conference in Florida. It is where they named the Florida 2 update, as they think it is the continuation of the original Florida update that happened years ago and during the highlight of PubCon.

Florida 1 and Florida 2 are not the same

You may wonder how Google updated its search ranking algorithm in 2003 and how it differs from how it does it today. It is the different beats because they have different actions and even algorithms. The 2003 Florida and March 12 core updates will be tagged as significant because they are the most extensive updates ever. However, people must not compare the characteristics of what happened from November 2003 to March 2019.

Learn about the 3/12 update

Many will sometimes question the update on March 12, but it was the most significant update ever. Google has different big core updates every year, and Google confirmed it is one of the most essential comprehensive core updates they have ever made. They bet it will be successful, which is true.

You will relate as you saw more updates on August 1 and the other core search algorithm updates that Google confirmed. During this point, you must see more data and understand them as they change. It is why you will see all theories around the update, from the EAT and YMYL chatter to being related to Penguin. With this, it is too early to confirm the update, but they will continue to track and update everything once they know more about it. But right now, you have to stop to compare it to Florida 1, which is the first algorithm update that happened.

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